Nothing Lasts Forever

Senopati Diinan
5 min readJun 28, 2023


There is a popular saying that life is like a roller coaster; sometimes you’re on top, and at other points, you’re on bottom. But you won’t be on top forever, and you will never be on bottom forever; life will keep going and always bring a twist for you until everything is up and done.

Good things won’t last forever

It’s kind of sad, but it can happen to you. All the good things you have today won’t last forever. Everything is temporary. Because you never know what will happen tomorrow. Today you may feel like you’re on top of the world, but tomorrow things may change drastically. Either it’s your fault or not.

Sometimes one’s downfall is caused by their own recklessness, cluelessness, and complacency. They failed to maintain the good things they had and ended up ruining the good things they had. But sometimes their downfall is caused by things beyond their control. Since we all know these things are meant to happen, make sure the downfall is not your fault.

That’s why when we are experiencing good times, we should cherish every second of them, be present, and be grateful for them because they won’t last forever. Don’t take good times for granted because times pass quickly, and we all know time has the capability to change anything; it can change things, people, feelings, and even ourselves. It’s also time itself that brings you to the end of good things.

After all, all good things should come to an end. Your parents won’t live forever, your children won’t be by your side forever, and your partner may leave the earth earlier than you.

The point is that we need to realize that good things won’t last forever, and when good things end, you have to accept them, let them go, and move on. Because it’s inevitable and it was bound to happen, so you’re not shocked when such things happen. And when it happens, you shouldn’t be sad because it’s over; you should’ve smiled because it happened.

… so do bad things

No matter how cruel it is that good things have to come to an end, the same principle also applies to bad things. Bad things also don’t last forever. You may feel hopeless and desperate for the struggles you have today, but you have to remember that hard times won’t last forever. It will pass.

You may have done everything you could to escape this bad situation, but nothing really changes. It may make you despondent and frustrated. In the midst of hopelessness, it’s okay to lose hope but keep going. Keep doing what you believe in; don’t give up. You will never know which effort will help you out of this misery. It may take a long time, but as long as you do whatever it takes, it may help.

If you only be passive and give up in hard times, it won’t take you anywhere; the situation will only get worse. You may think that things cannot get any better, but at least don’t make them any worse. Don’t lose yourself and give up on everything. Just stay calm and try your best to not let things get any worse; if you succeed in doing that, then you can find an opportunity to turn the whole thing around.

The key is to keep the right attitude, because with the right attitude, everything is going to be alright in the end, whether things get better or the situation doesn’t bother you anymore. No matter what the outcome, you will find peace in the end.

Embrace what we have and be grateful

There are no such things as good and bad times; things appear good and bad only according to how we perceive them. Try to learn to see things without judgment. To see things purely as they really are, without any assumption or judgment.

The time we have today may not benefit us or be against our will. But in the grand scheme of things, we are only tiny little parts with no influence in this huge, huge world. Rather than forcing our wants, it is better to be in flow with nature. Seeing things as they really are and making the most of our situation

Just because things go against our will doesn’t mean our lives are completely bad; we still have a lot to celebrate and be grateful for. It’s time to appreciate more of the things we’ve taken for granted. Try to appreciate more things we still have rather than grieve over things we missed out on.

Whatever our condition, we need to be grateful because if we consider what we have today bad, tomorrow can be worse, so see the good things you still have today and be thankful for them as long as you have them. Don’t take them for granted, because you will only understand the value of something if you have lost it.

Nothing in this life is permanent; things will change. Even if it does not change, your feelings and perception of It may change. Bad things you used to fear may not seem frightening at all because you’ve already gotten used to them, and good things you used to dream of may not seem so pleasant anymore because you’ve already taken them for granted.

Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali (Sc: WikiArt)


Thus, we need to make the most of our situation. If things go according to plan, then we need to be grateful and cherish every second of it. and if things are not going as we planned, then we need to work to change things. If you already gave your best and things seem to have not changed at all, then keep trying, and at the same time, you need to learn how to accept things and see things without any judgment; it may take some time to get used to that.

Because in the end, it’s not about whether we made it or not. Our sole purpose on earth is to fight and to work towards good days. Because only in the journey towards our goal did we find our purpose, our meaning to live, and our reason to keep moving forward. These feelings are what make life worth living. Because we know better days are waiting.

